Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Annie and Shelli visited on April 30th and did a little census. They saw: House finch - Common flicker - American robin - White crowned sparrow - American goldfinch - Savannah sparrow - Golden crowned sparrow - Black capped chickadee - Song sparrow - Violet-green swallow - Barn swallow - Red-winged blackbird - Chestnut backed chickadee - Spotted towhee - Rufus hummingbird - Red tail hawk - Double crested cormorant - White winged scooter - Brandt geese - Pigeon guillemont - Herring gull - Harlequins - Pacific loon - Sea lion - Harbor seal - River otters - Silver fox - Red fox - Deer - Raccoon - Bald eagle - Northwest crow - Turkey vultures - California quail (actually they only heard this one). The neighboras alo report there are four of these little guys up on the road:

The other significan thing that has happened is the road underwent it's five-year scraping and is now a much better surface for drainage. We also got the driveway scraped while the big equipment was in the neighborhood.